New York Times bestselling author Grace Lin pens this novel filled with adventure and wonder set before the upcoming Walt Disney Studios Mulan film.
By Kelsey Lynn
March 25, 2020
Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 24, 2020
Dawn Buckle spends most of her days trying to get people to notice her. But whether at home or at school, it’s as if she’s completely …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 22, 2020
The S.P.I.E.S. team has been scattered to the winds, its headquarters burned down, and Max Segredo is under lock and key at LOTUS HQ. What’s even …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 19, 2020
Juvenile delinquent and budding pyromaniac Max Segredo belongs in juvie hall. At least, that’s what his most recent foster family would tell you. Instead, Max ends …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 17, 2020
Hey my Llama Friends. I know everyone is panicking right now due to the Corona spreading everywhere so fast; but I just wanted you to know, …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 14, 2020
Prince Liam. Prince Frederic. Prince Duncan. Prince Gustav. You’ve never heard of them, have you? These are the princes who saved Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 14, 2020
Ok, so a lot of people apparently don’t spend time looking for books anymore. (Unlike me, who will spend HOURS looking for books!!!!!!!!…I really like books…) …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 12, 2020
Just when Max Segredo learned that his father is still alive, he also learned that Simon Segredo was working for LOTUS, an evil spy operation that …
By Kelsey Lynn
March 9, 2020