Happy Birthday to…ME!!!!

Hi ya’ll! Most of you probably don’t know this… but yesterday was MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! And in celebration of that, I’m gonna tell you a little about myself.

I am 17 years old, I have been in church all of my life and LOVE serving God and helping with the ministry. I have been drawing since I was a really small girl, (well, smaller than I am now, which isn’t saying much since I am very petite.) and I started with tracing and moved to drawing on my own, then digital! (Drawing on right side. Mine! That’s me and my llama!!! -> )

My hobbies include: reading (duh), drumming, writing my own books with my sis! Crafting doll houses, customizing dolls, sewing, singing, drawing (both digital and on paper), baking, cooking, being Gluten Free (which is a chore all on it’s own!), and being the best me I can be!!!!!

I started this website for kids like me, who adore reading but can’t find any good books anymore! So, YoungLlama was made for kids and teens looking for new and clean books of almost any kind!

I hope that is enough about me! I wish you all a very happy day, and may you all be safe! -The Young Llama Reader.

Fun Fact!  I actually don’t like llamas that much, (I’m kind-of scared that one will spit on me) my favorite animal is a sheep! But The Young Sheep Reader doesn’t sound that cool… So my dad and I decided llamas were a great choice!

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