Kelsey Lynn Archive
Ever since he was a dwarfling, Borlen (nicknamed “Grump”) has dreamed of visiting The Surface, so when opportunity knocks, he leaves his cavern home behind. At …
By Kelsey Lynn
February 4, 2020
This is war. Okay–that’s too dramatic. But no matter what this is called, so far I’m winning. And it feels wonderful. Grace and Ellie have been …
By Kelsey Lynn
February 4, 2020
Two princes lead a war-broken people. One rules while the other serves in the shadows, haunted by encroaching death. Halavant overthrew his queen mother to save …
By Kelsey Lynn
February 1, 2020
For Sabrina Grimm, living in a community of fairy-tale characters means always being ready for trouble. And something is definitely wrong at her new school. The …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 30, 2020
Eleven terrified disciples cower in the Upper Room, wondering what is to become of them. Jesus is dead, crucified on a cruel Roman cross. It’s only …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 29, 2020
In a magic kingdom where your name is your destiny, 12-year-old Rump is the butt of everyone’s joke. But when he finds an old spinning wheel, …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 29, 2020
In a land where stories of the Shadow Demon keep children shivering in bed and tales of the Yorel bring hope to the commoner, Yosyph is …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 27, 2020
Ok, this is technically NOT a ‘book’, but it is a REALLY cool ‘Cook’book. Mostly because it’s a STAR WARS COOKBOOK!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I do own a …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 25, 2020
Red is not afraid of the big bad wolf. She’s not afraid of anything . . . except magic. But when Red’s granny falls ill, it …
By Kelsey Lynn
January 23, 2020