Christian Friendly
Easy Reading
Youth Appropriate

Ok, I would just like to say, I am deeply sorry to any LGBT people out there but I do not want LGBT showing up in kids books. I do not dislike anyone who is LGBT, but when it shows up in kids books it makes me way upset.
This book is about a girl who works at a hotel and wants to be a detective. And she has to find some diamond swimming cap. (Apparently this book was a comic series too, and there was LGBT in it as well.)
She’s Lesbian… What really drives me nuts, is the fact that there is no mention outside the book! I wish they would put a warning on the cover saying this book has LGBT in it! Cause this book was a gift to me and now I will not finish reading it and will probably throw it away because I do not believe in this. I am not trying to offend anyone, this is my Christian opinion. You do not have to read this if you don’t want to, but I personally never want to see this book again.
Over all, I never finished the book. I am very disappointed in it and I wish people would warn kids and adults about whats IN the book before they buy it. But I guess that’s why I’m here. My website is designed just for this! So… Don’t read or buy this book; and I want my $15 back… 🙁 -The Young Llama Reader.
- Adventure?
- Mystery?
- LGBT… 🙁