Why I’m Anti-Halloween!

Who’s ready for a controversial Llama post? I honestly don’t think anyone is, but I tend to speak my mind so here we go anyways!!!

I am Anti-Halloween. Like big time! I mean honestly, I never understood Halloween as a child. Who would want to dress up as a dead guy, run around in the dark, go to strangers houses and get random candy from them? (Are we honestly trusting that the candy isn’t drugged? It is a holiday about blood, murder and evil stuff…)

And until recently I mostly was against Halloween because I despise scary movies and dislike fake blood. However, my Churches hyphen/youth group did a AMAZING Bible Study a few weeks ago that completely changed my view point. (Get ready for a long rant everyone!!!)

Two weeks ago, I got to be a part of a Bible Study that totally opened my eyes. It started out as a books of the Bible, where we looked at a verse from every book. When we got to 2 Samuel I remembered that really weird story where Saul asked a witch to summon Samuel’s spirit from the grave. And she does! Guys this is not a joke! This is the living Word of God, and witchcraft is real. When we were reading chapter 28 I realized something really weird. Halloween is a celebration of witches, satan, darkness and fear. Think about it! Halloween is literally a holiday to fear!!!!! And what does God tell us in His word? 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” Why on earth are we focusing and celebrating being afraid when Jesus gave us the power of love to overcome fear?!?! Why are we as Christians accepting this holiday? Why is this ok?!?!?!

And do you know where Halloween came from? It was a Celtic festival called Samhain, where they believed the veil between the living and the dead was thin. So they hid from the evil spirits, while celebrating them and made sweets to ward them off… What in the world is that about?!?!?! They celebrate the dead, but their scared of the dead? Also, Jack-o-lanterns? That tradition came from a story about a guy named Stingy Jack who wouldn’t pay for the devil’s drink. So satan wouldn’t take him to hell and God wouldn’t take him to Heaven. So he wanders the earth with a carved out turnip for a lantern… Yeah people, you are stabbing pumpkins in celebration of a guy who had drinks with the devil…

Do you see the problem? This is not ok. John 17:14 is something a lot of Christians quote. But are we really ‘In the world, but not of the world’? I have been to several Churches that do stuff on Halloween. (And I’m not talking about Harvest parties where we celebrate fall and change. Those I love!) I’m talking about Halloween at the Church. They give out candy, dress up and have games even though it’s the holiday of fear. You know what we should do on Halloween? Pray. We should pray through the night, speaking God’s name over every evil spirit that the world is celebrating. This is not a joke. Our world is getting close to the end and Jesus is coming back. And I am done doing it the worlds way. This Halloween, I will be at my Church, praying and worshiping God. Because I don’t have a spirit of fear. I have Jesus. -The Young Llama Reader.

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