Happy 2024 New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!! 2024 is a new year that will hopefully be full of fun books and new reviews!!! And 2023 is dead to me… Though I did get to find a lot of good books this year! (And I probably read close to 200 books in 2023… Possibly more… All I know is that I had 600 books on my shelf in the summer, and now I have close to 700 books…)

2023 was a pretty good year. It was my 5th year as The Young Llama Reader. It was the year the Book of the Month got back up and running. And it was a year of new books, good old books, fun books, silly books, sweet books, romantic books and books filled with adventure! I totally loved this year, but I’m also soooo glad to see it go. Because that means new year, new books!!!!! And new books means new reviews for you!!!!! I hope you all have Merry Days after Christmas and a Happy Start of the New Year!!! -The Young Llama Reader.

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