Llama on Break!!!

Hola my Llamaings! I hope you are all having a book-filled day! Sadly I am not, which is why I am making this Llama Musing!

I will be taking a week or two off of reviewing, (besides a book that will be reviewed tomorrow or the next day) due to an overload of homework, exams, essays and projects! Not to mention lots of sewing to do! (Thanks for all the amazing people or ordered plushies from me!) So I will need to be focusing on that instead of my lovely to-be-read books.

So sad I know. But no worries, once I get past all this lovely stress of college/life I can get back into the reviewing field! So I hope you all have a Blessed fall day, and I will see you all after I have a lovely breakdown from all the stuff I have to get done. Later Llamaings!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.

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