Lost In Time Letters by C. D. Ross

This is the 4th letter in Ms. Ross’s Lost in Time subscription series. And I am still obsessed! (Yet again, I feel like I am in a movie when I read these letters!)

This letter is from Cordy to Chad and goes into a bit more detail about her life. It talks about her fear of the ocean but curiosity of what it is like to command a ship. (Right there with you girl! Water is scary!) She goes on to talk about the loss of her brother Tim and how it has affected her family and their relationship. Cordy talks about her love of horses and riding. How she loves to sew and work. “I think I would always have to have something to do even if I had been born with a silver spoon… no idle hands here!” I love how she talks about her favorite books, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and Emma by Jane Austin. It really gives insight into her character and makes me feel like I am really reading a real person’s mail!

I really just love this letter subscription! It is sooooooo cool and unique and I love how accurate Ms. Ross is to the times. It really does feel like I am reading letters form 1911! (Basically I am obsessed and I totally can not wait for more!!!!) If you love mail and little knick-knacks this is totally a subscription for you! -The Young Llama Reader.

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