Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you day is being filled with love, family and yummy food! Course I actually don’t like turkey, cranberries or mashed-potatoes so I will just enjoy the family time!

This year has been kind-of long and busy for me, but I am still soooooo thankful for the many different blessings in my life that I get to give to others! I’m so thankful for all the books I am finding with the help of my amazing mom so I can give you all reviews! I’m thankful for this fantastic website my dad built for me, and my amazing sister who helps me with all my tech glitches and still wants to review books on here with me! I’m thankful for my Grammy who brags to everyone about my book review website, and my Grampy who lets me talk about my bookstore dream with him! And I am mostly thankful for this life I get to live.

I hope you all stop today and remember what your thankful for and enjoy this blessed day! -The Young Llama Reader.

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