BreakThrough by Joyce Smith

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
3.7 Llamas


This book is the 10th book on my Llama Summer Book List and I have waited FOREVER TO READ IT!!!!!! It took my library soooo long to get it too me, but it was worth the wait… THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!!!!!

It takes you on such an adventure and the way God saved this kid!!!!! I am blown away!!!!!! But this book isn’t really for kids, there is mentions of “adult”things in it and LOTS of gross “doctor-y” stuff. Like all of his organs failing at ONCE!!!! Or the fact that this kid was DEAD when he was pulled out of the water!!!!!! Let’s just put it at not kid-friendly. (But this would be an AMAZING book for teens and adults!!!!!)

Over all, the book is totally amazing!!!! And the only reason it got 3.7 Llamas was because it’s not funny or kid-friendly, other than that, THE BOOK WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • An AMAZING life story!
  • A great book for teens and adults!!!!


  • Not kid-friendly
The impossible true story about the powerful impact of prayer that inspired the major motion picture starring Chrissy Metz, Topher Grace, Dennis Haysbert, and Josh Lucas.

Through the years and the struggles, when life seemed more about hurt and loss than hope and mercy, God was positioning the Smiths for something extraordinary–the death and resurrection of their son.

When Joyce Smith’s fourteen-year-old son John fell through an icy Missouri lake one winter morning, she and her family had seemingly lost everything. At the hospital, John lay lifeless for more than sixty minutes. But Joyce was not ready to give up on her son. She mustered all her faith and strength into one force and cried out to God in a loud voice to save him.

Miraculously, her son’s heart immediately started beating again.

In the coming days, John would defy every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction. Sixteen days after falling through the ice and being clinically dead for an hour, he walked out of the hospital under his own power, completely healed.

Breakthrough is about a profound truth: prayer really does work. God uses it to remind us that He is always with us, and when we combine it with unshakable faith, nothing is impossible.

Previously published as The Impossible

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