The Blooming of Delphinium by Holly Varni

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.6 Llamas


This is one of the best novels ever sent to me by Baker Book House!!! And that is saying a lot, because they have sent me some very good books to review over the years! But I have never loved a Baker Book House novel more than this one!!!!!!!

This book is about Delphinium, a very whimsical florist with a gift of being able to tell someones personality by the scent of flowers on them! The gift has never let her down, but lately it hasn’t been helping her make sales either. But everything changes when a group of seniors start evading her flower cooler to play poker. A simple game starts a whole lot of chaos, especially when the strict director of senior center starts trying to rein in his out of controlled residents. But Delphinium smells something different on Elliot, something that smells a whole lot like violets. Which mean the love and loyalty that he is hiding could change Delphi’s heart for the better…

This book was beautiful!!!!! I literally could not stop reading it! (At 1 in the morning I realized I had to put it down to get some sort of sleep.) The love, joy and hope written throughout the novel is soooooo captivating! The romance was adorable and very realistic, with lots of ups and downs filled with surprises!!!!!!!! I laughed sooo hard while reading this novel, and I was so sad when it ended! (I needed a least 72 more pages of this story… Yes it may of ended perfectly but I need a sequel please!)

Now, along with lots of laughs, I also was openly crying during this story. Look, I am an emotional person, and this novel has some sad parts. You would’ve of cried too!!!!!! Because this has a senior center in it, there is mention of people dying, elder folks getting hurt, plus mention of seniors losing themselves as time goes on… Honestly, it is sad and I cried. But I will still be rereading this book again!!!

Overall, I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I can not get enough of it, and I totally know young ladies 14 and up will LOVE it as much as I do!!!!!!! (Seriously, go buy the book. You need it in your life.) I hope you all have a Beautiful Fall Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • One of the best novels ever!!!
  • Super sweet, very romantic and totally amazing!
  • A great story for young ladies 14 and up!!!


  • Some sad parts…
Making the perfect match is like arranging the perfect bouquet–and no one is better at it than Delphinium Hayes. Except when it comes to making a match for herself.

As far as hidden talents go, she is blessed with one of the more unique ones. With the slightest passing whiff, she knows someone’s most admirable or weediest characteristic. This peculiar perception never fails to give her an advantage in understanding people–except for one man, whose scent doesn’t seem to match his demeanor.

Prim and proper Elliot Sturgis, director of Moonberry Lake’s Gardens Assisted Living and Senior Care Facility, carries the scent of violets–meaning love and loyalty–yet is strict and unwavering in his determination to stop a group of his wily residents from sneaking over to Delphinium’s shop to play cards in the flower cooler. But the more glimpses Delphinium gets of the soft side beyond Elliot’s harsh exterior, the more she understands his scent–and her intrigue deepens as sparks fly.

The crowd in her cooler isn’t Delphinium’s only problem. Behind on the mortgage payments and on the verge of losing her shop to foreclosure, Delphinium isn’t sure where to turn for help. But God has a funny way of putting the right people in the place at the right time . . .

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