Ember’s End by S. D. Smith

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4 Llamas


This series is one of my favorites. I love all the adventure in this book. The Green Ember series is about these two rabbits. Brother and sister. Heather and Picket come from a family with a hated name. Their family name is known as traitorous, ever since their uncle helped murder the king. Their story starts three books before this one. Now its the end of the war.

Long story short, the rabbits are fighting for their kingdom, The Mended Wood. The enemy is full of traitorous rabbits, wolves, and the Lords of Prey (they are raptors under the command of Morbin, the leader of the enemy side). The two sides are fighting for control of all. The rabbits of The Mended Wood have taken back their king’s city, First Warren. And the enemy wants it back. The last book of this series is all about the ending of the war. Heather and Picket are separated and the times are getting rough. I really enjoyed this book, but it was filled with a lot more violence then the other ones in the series. This series is for kids, so it is clean. Whenever anyone dies, the author isn’t very descriptive, but a lot more death is mentioned in this book. I shouldn’t be surprised, it is the ending of the war. If you look at the cover of the book, you’ll see Picket has a scar too. This story is definitely the roughest of the series.

But this book is amazing too. Don’t let the increase of violence stop you from reading this book. If you are a parent looking for a book for your kids, this could be a great one for them. Just remember that the story is about war and that the author is very good at keeping it clean for kids. Plus this story has so many wonderful things about it. I really enjoyed reading this book. The adventure, the plot line, all the interesting characters. It is so much fun. And if you have read the third book, I’m sure you’re wondering about the outcome of the cliffhanger book three ended on. (Sorry, I can’t share any spoilers, you’ll have to go read it yourself.)

Overall, this is such an awesome story. Perfect for both boys and girls, and I definitely believe this is a great book for kids too. (After all, the author wrote the series for his children.) If your kids are looking for a story with exciting twists and turns, adventure, and mystery of the Mended Wood, they need this book. It was amazing. Look for the whole series. You won’t regret it. Hope you liked my review.

– The Tiger Reader


  • Interesting characters
  • Great story
  • Adventurous
  • Kid-friendly


  • War story
  • Has more mention of death in the last book

The end is here.

Heather and Picket face off for the last time with their tyrannical foes in this final installment of the Green Ember Series. The Mended Wood flickers dimly in the vision of the rabbits of Natalia, as they battle bravely for their survival and a hopeful future beyond.

My place beside you,
my blood for yours,
till the Green Ember . . .

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