Why I review!

Hola my Llama loving readers!!! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the snow!!!!! (I am loving it!!!!!!!!!)

I’m doing a quick Llama Musing to talk about why I review and who I’m doing it for. (Since some people have gotten huffy over my sarcasm and book expectations) For those of you who don’t know me, let me explain myself and my reasons for my book review website.

Hi! My name is Kelsey. I am 21, with a love for all things llamas and books! (Hince the name 😉 ) And I review books for God fearing Christians. I am an Apostolic-Pentecostal pastor’s daughter, who is more than willing to burn or throwaway a book if it doesn’t line up with God’s Holy Word. For those of you who find it horrifying that I burn books… Don’t read my reviews then! (I like getting rid of stuff that isn’t clean, and bonfires are fun! Sorry if you don’t like warmth!)

I’m not perfect, I mess up. I’ve read books I shouldn’t have and done stuff I regret. But I am reviewing books for parents who want to know what is in their kids books. I am reviewing books for teens who want to read books that aren’t sinful. And I am reviewing books for families that follow Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

So, if you don’t like my book expectations and the fact I get rid of books I don’t like… Then I can’t help you. But for those of you who love God and His Bible, who follow is Word and want clean books!!!! Then… I review for People like You. May you all have a Blessed Day! Love The Young Llama Reader.

(P.S. How to start a really good fire in your fireplace with those sinful books you don’t want anymore? Rip out a couple of chapters, stack you wood as you would normally do and then lit the paper and put it in the center. Viola!!!! Easy fire! It also works well outside, just remember, adult supervision kids!!!)

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