Young Llama Thoughts
Christian Friendly
Easy Reading
Youth Appropriate

This was a great story! I absolutely loved it, not to mention the author. When my mom and sister told me that the writer of this book was none other than the mother of my favorite author, I couldn’t believe it. My favorite author of all time is Jenny L. Cote. Her books are incredible. I guess writing runs in the family. Her mother did an extraordinary job on this book.
The book is a collection of stories from different characters throughout the New Testament. Some were real people, others are fictional. Yet the book shares each of their stories on Jesus, starting with the centurion at the cross to the Apostle John. Every chapter is a different person’s story. The different perspectives are all unique and were so much fun to read. My favorite was Joseph, the father of Jesus. Janice V. Mims wrote each of these characters beautifully. The stories may not be adventurous or humorous, but they give you an insight to what the people in Jesus’ time went through and how they discovered the Savior of the world.
Overall, a must read for every history lover out there. This book is chalk full of characters and stories that inspire you to learn more. Now I want to go read the story of Jesus again. I mean, Have you ever wondered what the centurion thought of when he saw Jesus on that cross? Or what about Mary Magdalen? What was her life like after Jesus? Janice V. Mims writes of them all. I’d get this book if I were you. It’s the perfect short story to share with the family and the perfect book to make your day. I hope you liked my review.
-The Tiger Reader
- Christian book
- Kid-friendly/family book
- Inspriational
- Easy to read
- Amazing characters
- I don’t have any cons for this book. It’s the perfect short story for anyone wanting to know more about the people in the New Testament.
“I am troubled in my spirit in a dimension I heretofore would have found inconceivable. The cause of my present state was a crucifixion on this Friday past.” So begins The Centurion’s Letter, the first of thirteen narratives which are fictionalized glimpses into the life of Jesus and those whose lives were radically changed by their encounter with Him. Peer into Mary’s heart and mind after the angel told her she was to be the mother of Messiah. Feel her despair when Joseph doubted her, and sojourn wearily with her on the hard road to Bethlehem. Relive the happy moment of Jesus’ birth from the vantage point of a simple shepherd who felt unworthy of Messiah’s blessings. Share the joy that Mary and Joseph experienced in raising Jesus, and weep when Mary’s heart is pierced along with her Son at the Cross. Know the indescribable hope she and Mary Magdalene experienced at the Garden on Resurrection morning while Pilate was consumed with fear, shame, and confusion. Understand the intimate touch of Jesus that forever changed the lives of Matthew, Peter, John, and Paul. Allow your heart to burst with anticipation for the poor widow who quietly gave everything she had to God while Jesus looked on. Originally written to be read aloud for Easter, Christmas and other services, these narratives have blessed countless people for over forty years and now are compiled as a devotional to be enjoyed any time. As you step behind the curtain to see these Biblical characters as you have never seen them before, the fierce love of God will grip your heart, just as it did the Centurion.