Young Llama Thoughts
Christian Friendly
Easy Reading
Youth Appropriate

Ok, I’m weird, I’ll admit it. I like to read funny romance more than any of that lovey-dovey stuff. So we I found this book, I was like, “A wedding planner and a divorce attorney falling in love? Let’s read it!”. This book was AMAZING!!! I love it soooo much and I highly suggest it to any teenage girl.
The book is very appropriate with only a few mentions of ‘stuff’. I don’t wanna call it adult stuff, ’cause it’s not. There’s just some mention of cheating and a lot of mention about divorce. The ‘cheating’ is mentioned like 4 to 5 times and is not a big deal;(At least to me it isn’t) though there are a few mentions of people walking out on their marriages (which is very sad…) and leaving there spouse.
I personally didn’t think the book wasn’t kid-friendly, but at the same time this is a book for teens and adults. And when I say teens, I’m talking about 12 and up; the book isn’t ‘Bad’ it’s just not for kids. (I think. I personally thought the book was just fine, and kids could read it, but maybe this book is for older girls… I don’t really know what I’m talking about. Sorry…)
Over all, I THINK THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!!!! And I really want you to read it!! (If you are a guy, I don’t think this book is for you. But if you want to read… I guess go ahead?)
- A hilarious romance!!!
- Very appropriate for teens
- Mentions of ‘cheating’
She’s a wedding coordinator. He’s a divorce attorney. She begins marriages. He ends them. How could these two possibly find common ground?
Wendy Hartline is finally starting to settle into the single life. After a difficult season of grief following her husband’s death, she’s taken over the family business of coordinating memorable weddings. Life has become . . . comfortable.
Then the charming and incredibly frustrating Marco Amorini opens a legal practice–specializing in divorces–right next to her wedding chapel and stirs up everything.
Wendy learns that perhaps there is such a thing as second chances in this hilarious story of the pleasures and pains of new love in midlife.