The Beautiful Pretender (A Medieval Fairy Tale) by Melanie Dickerson

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.1 Llamas


This book has become one of my favorites. (There is a book before this one. I need to finish that one before I review it though…… Yes, I know. I’m one of those people that reads the second book before the first one. Sorry.) I picked up this book, not realizing how good it was. After reading this story, Melanie Dickerson has become a legend in my eyes.

The Beautiful Pretender focuses on the story of Avelina, a poor servant girl. Avelina works under the Earl of Plimmwald as his daughter’s maidservant. During this time, the Margrave of Thornbeck is in search of a bride. He invites ten noble ladies throughout the land to Thornbeck Castle. The Earl’s daughter is invited, however, she goes missing. Avelina has to take her place to save her land and her family.

I fell in love with this story. It was so much fun to read. Melanie Dickerson certainty has a way with words. Her books are captivating and extremely well written. And as a young adult searching for great Christian books to read, this one surpassed my expectations. I honestly don’t have any cons for this book. It is amazing for older teens and young adults. I will say that it is not meant for younger teens. If I had to rate by age, I would say 17 and up.

Overall, an amazing story full of adventure, romance, and it is a true medieval fairy tale. It is perfect for young adults that enjoy historical fiction, and it is Christian friendly. I will be looking for more books by Melanie Dickerson. She wrote an amazing story. I hope you liked my review.

-The Tiger Reader


  • Adventurous
  • Christian friendly
  • Feels like a fairy tale


  • I don’t have any cons……( The only thing that I would mention is that it is not meant for younger teens. 17 and up.)

The Margrave of Thornbeck has to find a bride, fast. He invites ten noble born ladies who meet the king’s approval to be his guests at Thornbeck Castle for two weeks, a time to test these ladies and reveal their true character.

Avelina has only two instructions: keep her true identity a secret and make sure the margrave doesn’t select her as his bride. Since the latter seems unlikely, she concentrates on not getting caught. No one must know she is merely a maidservant, sent by the Earl of Plimmwald to stand in for his daughter, Dorothea.

Despite Avelina’s best attempts at diverting attention from herself, the margrave has taken notice. And try as she might, she can’t deny her own growing feelings. But something else is afoot in the castle. Something sinister that could have far worse—far deadlier—consequences

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