A Series of Unfortunate Events Book 7: The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.5 Llamas


This is book 7 of The Series of Unfortunate Events… And I LOVE IT!!! The plot thickens!!!!! I am sooooo interested in these books and I have not devoured a series like this since the last Keeper of the Lost Cities book! (November 17th people!!! Next KOTLC book!!!!)

The series is about these 3 siblings/orphans who lost their parents to a horrible fire. They were left their family’s fortune which the evil Count Olaf is trying to steal no matter what it takes!!!!!!! (Kidnapping, murder, stealing… he doesn’t care)

In this book they are taken to this village looking for their friends who were kidnapped by Count Olaf. But while their there, they have to do all the chores of the village, avoid being burned at the stake, not mess with the crows, find their friends and find out what Count Olaf is planning!!!

The books are very clean and sarcastic. But there is violence. Murder…. Nothing is ever described, maybe a mention of blood or saying their dead but that’s it.

Over all, a series I TOTALLY suggest to kids and teens! Acceptable to both boys and girls! And just plain awesome!!!! I hope you all have a great day! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • An amazing, plot twisting, sarcastic, very non-happy-ending series!
  • A great series for kids and teens!!!!


  • Some violence, people being murdered and mention of being burned at the stake…

Dear Reader,

You have undoubtedly picked up this book by mistake, so please put it down. Nobody in their right mind would read this particular book about the lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire on purpose, because each dismal moment of their stay in the village of V.F.D. has been faithfully and dreadfully recorded in these pages.

I can think of no single reason why anyone would want to open a book containing such unpleasant matters as migrating crows, an angry mob, a newspaper headline, the arrest of innocent people, the Deluxe Cell, and some very strange hats. It is my solemn and sacred occupation to research each detail of the Baudelaire children’s lives and write them all down, but you may prefer to do some other solemn and sacred thing, such as reading another book instead.

With all due respect,

Lemony Snicket

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