Milo Moss is Officially Un-Amazing by Lauren Allbright

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.5 Llamas


If you are looking for a funny, awesome, and very weird book… I FOUND IT!!!!!! Like seriously I love this book!

The book is about this kid, whose family has been trying to break a world record all of his life. Then the last record attempts goes wrong, he decides to give up and try to make his family normal again. But all his lies seem to start pilling up and he has to team up with a bully and his nephew (who is his same age, don’t ask) to help him break a record once and for all!

I love the book! It was funny and clean, with only a little mention of bodily functions and beating people up. I don’t think there was much talk of bathroom talk, just a few mentions here and there… (Food Poisoning can be a real problem!)

Over all, a very enjoyable book for boys! And one I most definitely suggest! May the rest of your day be blessed! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • VERY FUNNY!!!!
  • Extremely enjoyable to read!!!!
  • Great book for boys!


  • Mentions of food poisoning… (Front end and back end…)

Twelve-year-old Milo Moss has been on a mission to achieve his family’s lifelong goal: breaking a world record. It’s why he and his parents, along with thousands of others, are standing in the middle of a football stadium dressed as human-sized cockroaches.

But when the record attempt doesn’t exactly go as planned, Milo and his family are failures once again. Now more than ever, Milo needs support from his best friend, Jesse (who also happens to be his nephew — don’t ask, it’s complicated). But when Jesse discovers the truth about Milo’s record attempt, he pressures him to come clean to the whole school.

Desperate to avoid public humiliation, Milo must team up with an unlikely ally to stop the record madness once and for all. Will Milo be able to leave behind his dream of breaking a record? Or will he learn that sometimes there’s more to life than winning?

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