The Voice, the Revolution, and the Key by Jenny L. Cote

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.8 Llamas


Here is book 7. The seventh book of the best historical fiction series ever. (The best series in my opinion.) This story goes into a whole new realm of history. While the previous stories were all from the Bible, this one is completely different. Taking the tale of one the most adventurous events in American history. The American Revolution.

Telling stories of Patrick Henry, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and so many more. Jenny L. Cote captures these great men like I’ve never seen. She brings the characters to life, especially Patrick Henry. The Voice of the Revolution. I didn’t know his story very well, but after reading this book I think he was one of the most interesting people in his time. If I could go back in time, he would be on my list of people to see. But I doubt he had a little black cat that is over thousands of years old. (Sorry Liz….)

In this book, the animals are sent all over. From Great Britain to France to America. They travel all through the colonies protecting the Founding Fathers from the enemy. And the Evil One has spies around every corner. The Order have to help protect the future of the war, especially the Voice of the Revolution. It’s up to him to give the words that will help lead the Patriots to victory, but the enemy wants to silence his voice. I loved this book. It gave me a whole new perspective of the risks and dangers that our nation took to gain their independence. Our Founding Fathers gave so much. I can’t imagine the things they had to go through. So many lives lost for liberty. But just like Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

Overall, I believe this story is an incredible book, for really all ages. It could be a book for the family. To teach  how we won our independence. It’s a perfect book for teens who want to learn more history. I can’t wait to read it again. I like to be pulled into the story and experience it for myself; Jenny gives me that opportunity. I have no cons for this book. To me, it’s perfect. But you should know, that this is a story of war. There is bloodshed, loss, and truths of history that can be intense. Yet, I still love this series. History can be rough, but God has a plan for it all. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Jenny wanted to capture it with her amazing stories. I hope you liked my review.  If you’re looking for a good book to read, you just found it. Go out and get the story. You won’t regret it.

– The Tiger Reader


  • Amazing story
  • Great characters
  • Educational
  • Patrick Henry is awesome


  • It is about war (there is mention of blood and death, but the book is worth it)

Picking up where The Roman, the Twelve, and the King left off, with the 1743 London premiere of Handel’s Messiah, the Order of the Seven animal team must split up for their next mission: the birth of a new nation. Team leader Gillamon tells them, “Each of us will be witness to a unique point in history because of a unique generation of world leaders. Most of them are just children now, or have not yet even been born. Take note of how important one generation of children can be. Marvel at each child and the power they have to change the history of the world for the good of all.”

Liz, Max, Nigel and Clarie sail for the colony of Virginia to deliver a letter that will impact Liz’s assigned human: Patrick Henry. Liz must help young Patrick find his
true purpose in life–to become the Voice of the Revolution. She begins her quest when he is a seven year-old boy who cares more about fishing and exploring the
forest in Virginia than about school. Her task will take time, as Patrick Henry will fail at everything he tries. Liz eventually leads Patrick to take up law, and finally accomplishes her mission when he finds his powerful voice in a courtroom. Little does Patrick Henry or the colony of Virginia know that his voice will set the ball of the American Revolution in motion. Henry will be the only one bold enough to first speak out against the tyrannical King of England, calling for the colonies to rise up and fight for independence. “Liberty or death!” becomes the battle cry to unite thirteen solitary colonies as one nation under God to fight the mighty British lion.

Meanwhile, Max must see to the protection of young George Washington, who inadvertently starts the French and Indian War. The enemy will mount continual assaults on Washington, from enemy snipers to treasonous members of his military staff. If he is lost, all is lost. Nigel goes on a high-flying kite assignment with Benjamin Franklin to ensure the success of an experiment that will impact the outcome of the war in ways no one could imagine. Al remains in London to live in the royal palace, gathering intelligence right under the nose of King George III. The simple-minded cat will be responsible for delivering some Common Sense to America. Kate is assigned to the richest orphan in France, the young Marquis de Lafayette, who is crucial to the entire quest for Independence. If he doesn’t make it to America, the Declaration of Independence will lead not to liberty, but to death for America

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