Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day my Llama Friends!!!!! I hope you are all enjoying a day filled with love! But I want you to know, gifts, candies and cards don’t make Valentines Day special. The Love from those gifts make it special!

I forgot about Valentines Day this year… (Opps!) I guess I was too busy with school, Church and YoungLlama.com … So my amazing parents didn’t get a card this year….. And I do feel bad about that, cause they got me a little something and I forgot…. So instead of a card or chocolate, I am gonna watch funny movies with my mom, (probably Hallmark)  maybe watch a Mandolarian with my dad, and do the dishes for…well EVERYONE!!! Little special things are nice and all, but I’m gonna try and do my little special things with LOVE. Like the love Jesus gave to me, so I could give it to others! Happy Valentines Day! -The Young Llama Reader.

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