Young Llama Thoughts
Christian Friendly
Easy Reading
Youth Appropriate

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!! It is soooooo funny, and very entertaining! I HIGHLY suggest this book to boys; younger and older!!!!!!!!!!! (Like seriously. Read this NOW.)
The book is about an alien who escaped from his planet to Earth. He lands in Hollywood so everyone thinks he’s a movie star. It is VERY funny and has cool art in it too! (I love art, though I usually don’t like picture’s in chapter books I liked this one!)
The book is very clean, and the only thing I think some people might consider a ‘con’ is the use of the word “fart”. I don’t think it’s a ‘con’, (I actually thought it was funny; but I have all boy cousins so…) but some parents may not want their kid reading that. (Don’t know why!?!?! It’s just a funny word to me. Though we don’t say it in my house, we say “TreeFrog”… we’re weird…)
Over all, READ THIS BOOK!!!!!! I totally suggest it to kids, teens, younger boys and older boys!!!!! This is a great book someone will want. (Maybe even a great Christmas Gift…) Have a great 9 days till Christmas!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.
- Hilarious!!!!!
- VERY kid-friendly
- A AMAZING book for younger boys (and older too!)
- Mention of the word, “fart”
No one is shocked by the six-eyed alien strolling around the Universal back lot. The tourists just think he’s part of the show. It doesn’t take long for Buddy to land a role on a popular TV show, playing (of course) an alien. He becomes an overnight heartthrob and is suddenly faced with legions of adoring fans, rides in glamorous limos, and appearances at “all-the-shrimp-you-can-eat” red carpet parties. But can Buddy maintain his secret identity while in the spotlight?