New ‘Welcome Llama Friends’ Pic!

Next week will be the One Year Anniversary of Young Llama!!!! And I am going to be putting up a new pic for my ‘Welcome Llama Friends’ page. Hmmmmmmm… I wonder what it will be?… Well, you will have to wait to find out!

Anyways, I am very excited about this pic and even MORE excited about the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!! Ya’ know, this entire website started with my dad suggesting that I should review all the books I read… And here we are!

The thing is, this beautiful website only exists for you. And without you guys coming every week, there would be no point for this website at all!

So, Thank You. Thank you for coming and looking for books. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for sending me books. Thank you, all of you. Every last person… Thanks’ -Kelsey.

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