Young Llama Thoughts
Christian Friendly
Easy Reading
Youth Appropriate

Ok, I love this book. It is funny, and educational, and just plain awesome!!! My mom suggested it to me, so I went and found it at the library. And may I just say… amazing!!!!
The book is about Max Einstein, a homeless girl with a brain that may surpass Einstein himself!!! It is a little sad cause… HOMELESS PEOPLE!!!! But it is a really sweet book. Even if it makes me want to hug every homeless person on the street. (Especially when she is trying too help the less-fortunate people of the world… I MIGHT CRY!!!!!!!)
The book is very clean, and super fun to read. With all the random Einstein quotes and facts, I feel 338 pages smarter. 🙂 The whole thing is genius, and I love it!!!!
Over all, please read this book. It may not be a true story, but there are true quotes in it, and it is amazing!!!!!!!!
Love you all. -The Young Llama Reader.
- Very funny and enjoyable
- And educational!!!
- The girl is homeless…. SAD!!!
Max Einstein is not your typical genius. She…
-Hacks the computer system at NYU to attend classes
-Builds inventions to help the homeless
-And talks to Albert Einstein! (Okay that’s just in her imagination)
But everything changes when Max is recruited by a mysterious organization! Their mission: solve some of the world’s toughest problems using science. She’s helped by a diverse group of young geniuses from around the globe as they invent new ways to power the farthest reaches of the planet. But that’s only if the sinister outfit known only as The Corporation doesn’t get to her first…