The Princess Companion by Melanie Cellier

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.2 Llamas


I am so excited to find another great series to share with you all. I’m a little bit of a historical fiction fan, and I love fairy tale rewrites. One of my favorites series by another author is coming to an end, so I found this one. And I just have to say, I loved it!

This series is not technically historical fiction because it’s placed in a made-up magical world, but it has a kind of medieval feel to it. The book I’m reviewing is the first of the series and it is based on the Princess and the Pea. In this series there is a High King and he has godmothers (fairy godmothers) who help the princes and princesses in these stories. The High King is symbolic for God and the fairy godmothers kind of represent angels, so these books do have a Christian quality to them. Now let’s get to the actual book.

The Princess Companion was a wonderful story. I loved reading it and the author really knows how to write great characters. As you might have guessed, the story is about a poor girl who gets stuck in a storm and ends up at a castle where she runs into a little vegetable under her mattress. However, in this story the girl becomes a Princess Companion to the twin princesses of the kingdom and she ends up protecting the royal family from the evil threats coming their way. But a job like hers can be dangerous, especially when she begins falling for the prince.

This book was adventurous, entertaining, and naturally…. very romantic. While this book does have magic, you barely notice it. The most magic you get is the fairy godmother and the pea. In the Four Kingdoms, they believe that True Love can strengthen a kingdom, but other than that, magic isn’t really in this story. The book is very clean and perfect for teens. If I had to give an age range I would say 14 and up. Not only is this story great for teens, but it’s perfect for young adults too. The only con I would give this book is that it is written in first person view. If you don’t know what first person is, well…. you’re reading it. I am typing this review in first person and the author of this book did the same. Now there is nothing wrong with first person view, I just find it harder to read. Other than that, I have no complaints. One thing you should know, however, is that these books do have some violence in them. (But Come On! If you want a knight in shining armor or a fairy tale story, you have to expect a little violence.)

Overall, this book and series have become a new favorite of mine. I totally suggest them. If you have teenage girls interested in fairy tales and romances, this is the series for you. As far as I know, there are about 15+ books in the series and more are coming. I will posting more on these books in the future. I hope you liked my review.

– The Tiger Reader


  • Great Characters
  • Very Clean
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Teen Friendly


  • This book is written in first person, making it a little harder to read.
  • There is a little violence.

One dark and stormy night, lost and alone, Alyssa finds herself knocking on the door of a castle. After a lifetime spent in the deep forest, Alyssa has no idea what to expect on the other side.

What she finds is two unruly young princesses and one very handsome prince. When Alyssa accepts the job of Princess Companion she knows her life will change. What she doesn’t know is that the royal family is about to be swept up in unexpected danger and intrigue, and that she just might be the only thing standing between her kingdom and destruction.

This retelling of the classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, reimagines the risks and rewards that come when one royal family goes searching for a true princess.

If you enjoy clean romance, adventure and intrigue, then try the books in The Four Kingdoms series now! Each of these young adult fairy tale retellings can be read as a standalone story. However, for greatest enjoyment, they should be read in order.

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