Happy Birthday to Me!!!

It’s my birthday!!! Which means my annual YoungLlama tradition happens where I get a new profile picture and tell you all a bit about me!

Hi! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kelsey! I am a 21 year-old Christian book reviewer, with a flair for the dramatics and a love of all things chocolate! I started YoungLlama because I couldn’t find any honest reviews on books, and have now been running it for almost 6 years! I have over 650 books of my own on a slightly broken bookshelf. I am obsessed with sheep and llamas, and I completely adore stuffed animals! I am a huge Star Wars Legends fan and love sci-fi novels a lot. I am a drummer for my church as well as the designated gift giver. 😉 And I am part of an amazing pastor’s family that loves God and loves books!

And when I’m not reviewing new books I am illustrating kids books!!! Keep a look out guys, my art might just be in bookstores near you soon! 🙂 I hope you all have a beautiful June day, and happy readings!!! -The Young Llama Reader

P.S. That amazing photo? Done by my amazing sister! (Don’t I look fabulous?!?)

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