Happy Memorial Day!!!

Happy Memorial Day my Llamaings! I hope you are all having a beautiful, slightly rainy day with family and friends. (And possibly some books 😉 )

Now this day may be a day of fun and games, but it should also be a day of remembrance. Memorial Day is a time to think about all those souls lost to war in the Armed Forces. Those brave men and women gave their lives so we could live in freedom and hope. And we shouldn’t ever forget that.

So I picked some books today that are about America and all it stands for. From The All American novel to The Voice, the Revolution, and the Key from the Epic Order of the Seven series, these books remind us of our past and our future. These 5 books are some fantastic reads for those looking for a fun book this Memorial Day week!

I hope you all have a Blessed Day!!! -The Young Llama Reader.

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