Happy Star Wars Day!!!

Happy Star Wars Day everyone!!! I know, I know. What a silly day to celebrate. However, let me just tell you, when I couldn’t find any books to read that were clean and teen-friendly, my dad gave me 108 Star Wars books to read that brought me through my teen years! So, thank you Dad for helping me find new, funny, action-packed novels to read!!!!

Also this is Happy Graduation Day to me!!! That’s right people, I am graduating with my associates degree in Graphic Arts today!!!! So, think of May 4th like a 2-in-1 special. Happy Star Wars Day and Happy Graduation Day!!!

So may you all have a fun, book-filled day and I hope you find a fun Star Wars book off of my little list I made. (I totally suggest The Truce at Bakura if you are just starting to read the books! Or try Rogue One, also a fantastic read!!!!) May the 4th Be With You! 😉 -The Young Llama Reader.

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