Lost In Time Letters by C. D. Ross

This is letter 16 of The Lost in Time Letters by C. D. Ross and this one is a bit different from the rest. These letters are sooooo cool and I totally suggest them to girls who love getting stuff in the mail and reading historical fiction!

In this letter I got a telegraph, a letter and a fact sheet. But unlike the other letters, this one is a wee bit different and it goes in a new direction… The telegram is from Chadwick to a lady names Mary Sue Everly Campbell who just lost her husband. Apparently Chad knew her husband, and was distressed to hear of the loss of his friends submarine. It had hit a ship and sunk immediately killing the 14 crew onboard. Chad tells the widow how deeply sorry is he, and how her husband was a good friend of his.

The letter that was in package 16 is what was really unique. It isn’t from any of the normal characters in this letter series. Instead it is from a man named Tad to his wife Samantha. And it is all about the mummy Amen-Ra and how everyone believed it was cursed.  (Especially after it suck with the Titanic) Tad talks about how the museum he bought the mummy from believed in the silly curse and how foolish they all were. He made arrangements for the mummy to be placed in his cabin aboard the Titanic since the crew probably won’t want her corpse in the luggage area. He talks about how it will be some time for the ship sets sail but he loves his wife and can’t wait to see his kids soon.

Over all, this letter was completely unique and I am soooooo fascinated by the mummy and it’s journey now! (Turns out there is no proof that it was on the Titanic but there is a missing mummy body…) I totally suggest this letter series to you! I love it, every time I get a letter in the mail I am beyond excited and I can’t wait for letter 17!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.

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