Lost In Time Letters by C. D. Ross

I know I’ve said this like 5 times now, but I love the mail! Which means I LOVE Ms. Ross’s new Lost In Time Letters even more and can not stop bragging about how cool they are!!!!!!!!! (I love the letters, the knick-knacks, even the envelopes are perfect!!!!)

This is a special subscription you can get by C. D. Ross that is 2 fictional letters written in the 1900’s about a romance between Charles and Cordelia. It is written from their point of views and comes with photos, dance cards and more! (I just got a gorgeous broach in my third letter and I LOVE IT!)

I love these letters. I feel like I am in one of the movies where you find old love letters and solve some sort of mystery! It is seriously so cool and I totally suggest it!!!! It is $20 a month for 2 letters and you get them for an entire year. (Or make one time payment $200) And soooo worth it!

I have always loved subscriptions, but this letter subscription is genius! (Not to mention clean and Christian-friendly!) I have never seen anything like it and I TOTALLY suggest it to girls and young ladies who love historical fiction! I hope you all have a fabulous day. -The Young Llama Reader.


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