Inside Out: Driven by Emotions (5 Stories told from the Mind) by Disney Group Book

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.8 Llamas


Most of you know this by now, if I love a movie I immediately go search for the book! There have been a few times were the book stunk! But this was not one of those times.

This book is about the Disney Pixar Inside Out movie! And it is pretty much just like the movie! It follows the plot perfectly, from the perspective of the 5 emotions inside Riley’s head.

I LOVE this book. I’ve had it since the movie first came out! (Which feels like forever ago!!!!!) And it is such a good read!!!!!!!! This book is perfect for kids, with no ‘cons’ I can think of. (Except on mention of the word “puberty”)

Over all, a must read for any kid! I would say this is a book perfect for a kid who is just getting into chapter books! I hope your day is filled with love! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • A GREAT book for young kids!!!!
  • Just like the movie!
  • A perfect read!!!!!!!


  • It is more for little kids.

Dive into Riley’s mind and see Pixar’s upcoming film, Inside Out, as you never will in the theater. This unique chapter book offers unseen stories and insights to the movie from the stars themselves, as each chapter offers a different retelling of the film from one of Riley’s emotions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust.

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