Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Happy Easter my Llama Friends! I hope your Easter was filled with hope, love and JOY! I LOOOVVVEEEE Easter every year. And not just because I get candy, but because Jesus is Risen! Easter is about celebrating Jesus and His victory over the grave!!!! And this Easter, I got to celebrate with new family, new friends and a covid-free church!!!! I am soooo blessed and thankful for it all!

Also, this Easter season 2 of The Chosen was released!!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!! If you have not watched The Chosen you are missing out! It is a completely new series about Jesus and all the people he touched. I am in LOVE, and I totally suggest it! (There is some violence, action and awesomeness, so if you don’t like that…. You are REALLY missing out.)

Well, anyways I hope your Easter is filled with God’s love for us all! More books coming soon! -The Young Llama Reader.

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