The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels Warning…

There is no other feeling like picking up a fun looking book filled with goofy art, a family mystery and a unique variety of characters, and enjoying the story up to page 64 when suddenly it turns and fills you with disappointment…

“Sigh…” This is just the life of a Christian book reviewer; not every book I pick up do I get to keep. Sometimes I have to return them. (Other times I burn them, but that’s only happened like 4 times) And this book is one of those books…

This book looked sooooo good! It had a funny story, interesting characters and was a very clean read up to page 64! Then it turned… Among the funny story about a young girl trying to find her family’s lost treasure is her cousin named Erf, (Yes that is the name) who isn’t a boy or a girl… And then their is a pair of siblings where the sister has had 5 husbands and the brother has had 3 husbands… I put the book right down and decided it wasn’t for me.

And let me clarify, I do not dislike people who are LGBT. However, I do not agree with it or approve of it. The Bible says No to that, God says No to that, so as a Christian I say No to that. That is my opinion you can respectably disagree and I don’t care. But since this is my Christian book review blog, I will complain about how these topics are being sneaked into kids book without anyone knowing! Kids should not have to read this stuff and that is the reason I have YoungLlama. To help you all know what is and isn’t in a book. Your welcome. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go return this book and never look at it again. Bye! -The Young Llama Reader.

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