May the 4rth be with You at Home!!!!

Happy Star Wars Day my Llama Friends!!!! I don’t know if you all know this, but I am a HUGE Star Wars fan!!!!! My favorite movie is Rouge One, I ADORE reading all the books, and my favorite Star Wars character(s) are: Thrawn, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jyn Erso and Vespara. (You probably don’t know you all those characters are, but I can tell you this 5 out of 6 of them are on the Dark Side… So, if you can’t tell I am a Dark Side kind-of girl. Yay!!!! Go Sith!!!! And, of course, Jesus!!!!)

So, I got introduced to Star Wars like maybe 5, 6, years ago and I have loved it ever since!!! The books that my dad gave me to read were Star Wars ‘Legends’. If a Star Wars book has a band around the top that says Legends, it is probably pretty clean to read. Those are the old series and they are AWESOME!!! They will have violence in them, (Star WARS people!) and I would NOT suggest reading the Vong series. (It is about aliens who worship pain, BLEH!)

Now, I am a little bit concerned that Star Wars is going to turn in the future. Right now Disney is pushing LGBT pretty hard, and I feel like I should warn you about it. The new Star Wars movies, (The Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of the Skywalker.) are pretty clean (stupid but clean. I didn’t care for them) but there is a LGBT reference in Rise of the Skywalker. It is small and at the end, but it is there which is very disappointing. And I do have to say, I do not hate LGBT people. You can be LGBT but I just wish it wouldn’t be in random kid movies and such. I do not agree with LGBT and I wish I wouldn’t have to watch it in Star Wars…. It’s kind-of sad… 🙁

Over all, Star Wars is a pretty clean thing for kids and teens. But in the future, disappointingly, I will probably stop watching and reading it due to the LGBT comments. The old stuff is totally fine to watch and read, but the newer books have a lot of problems. LGBT, Birds n’ Bees (was literally in a book, and kind-of described… Very disappointed in the book Lost Stars. Don’t read it!!!) and curse words. I would check reviews online before reading or watching anything now…. I hope you all have a great day!!!!!-The Young Llama Reader.

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