A Heart for Prayer: 21 Days of Drawing Close to Father God by CJ Hitz

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.8 Llamas


Ok, this isn’t a fiction book. It is a prayer journal and I HIGHLY suggest it! It goes through 21 days of prayer. And it is sooooooo good!!!! (Thank you Mr. Cj for sending this to me!!!! I LOVED it!)

There are 21 days of reading to do. And you read about 3 to 4 pages per-day. Some of them are funny, very enjoyable and easy to read. (I even think a kid could read these. Though… they may not understand it! 🙂 )

I love these prayer journals. They are a great way to pray if you have a hard time focusing for more than 2 mins! (Which I totally struggle with.) You just read a-few pages and then pray your own prayer. It is very easy and fun!

Over all, LOVE!!!!!!!!! If you are looking for  a prayer journal…. I found one for ya! Merry Almost Christmas everybody!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • A good prayer Journal for ANYONE!!!!!
  • Made me laugh more than once


  • Not a book, it’s a Prayer Journal

Do you desire to have a heart for prayer?

Psalms 27:8 says, “My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.

Our Father God longs for his children to spend time with him. Having a heart for prayer is simply having a heart for relationship. When we enjoy being with someone, we find ourselves lingering in their presence. One cup of coffee turns into two and before we know it, we lose track of time.

That’s the way it can be when we linger with our Abba Father. He’s never in a hurry to leave and never grows impatient in waiting for us. He’s always excited when his children come running into his arms without prodding.

Prayer is the proof that we’re relying on Father God. When we come to him in prayer, we’re saying,

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