Happy Father’s Day!!!!

I hope you all are wishing your fathers a Happy Fathers Day!!! I love my dad. He was the one who introduced me to Star Wars. (And has told me quite a few times that I may love it a little too much…) And he is also the one who will sit down with me and help me with math, teach me skills so I will know how to make a living, and love me, no matter what happens. He and my mom have done an Amazing job raising me and they are still doing a great job. “Love ya, daddy!”

Most dads work really, long hours each day to pay the bills. Some don’t even have enough time to have fun with their familys… God has thankfully given my dad enough time to hang out with Merry and me and to build a church too! I am very thankful for my dad, and I hope you are thankful for yours too. (Even if they work long hours, please remember to be happy when they come home.)

I am wishing you all a Happy Fathers Day, and don’t forget to tell your dad how much they mean to you. Love you all! -The Young Llama Reader

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