God’s Not Dead

When atheist philosophy professor (Kevin Sorbo) plans to forego “dusty arguments” in his class, he insists the new students declare that “God Is Dead.” Unable to do this, Josh (Shane Harper) is challenged to defend his faith and prove to the class that God is NOT Dead. With everything on the line, Josh’s faith is unwavering…and life-changing to those around him

We just watched this AMAZING movie last night, and may I just say… THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I have seen ‘God’s Not Dead’ at least 10 times and I have loved it EVERY TIME!!!! This movie is sooooooooo powerful… and really, REALLY SAD!!!!

My family and I agree that this movie is not really a kid-friendly movie. I mean, it can be kid-friendly but this is a very emotional movie, and I think I’ve cried almost every time I’ve watched this movie…

But over all, THIS IS HANDS DOWN, ONE AMAZING MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I highly suggest it, it is just sooooooooooooooo powerful and heart-lifting!!!!! I hope this review was helpful!

-The Young Llama Reader.

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