Book of the Month

I recommend a favorite book every month. It might be fun or a little sad, science fiction or realistic, but it has to be pretty awesome to get picked.

And, check it out, we will have a themed llama graphic for each month. That is adorable!!! My dad is amazing at making graphics.


April’s Book of the Month

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

4.7 Llama’s

Oh my stars is this book cute!!! It is sooooo well written, so sweet, so fun and sooooooo perfect for kids 7 and up! (This is like if Hatchet was a robot in the woods talking to animals.) I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and I totally suggest it to boys and girls looking for a adventurous, survival read with a sweet robot and her friends! (This could also be a fun read for adults like me, who just want to read a kids book and smile 😉 ) Happy Reading my Llamaings!!!

-The Young Llama Reader.

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