Happy Mother’s Day my Llama Friends!!!!

I hope you are all having such a great day stuck inside your house!!!! (I would say I am but while sewing yesterday, I got glass stuck in my hands in a hundred tiny different places; so typing is getting exciting over here!) But even though we are quarantined inside, I hope you are giving your mothers and grandmothers a Happy Mothers Day!!!

Mothers Day is a very special day for any Mama! It is a day to just celebrate her and what she has done for you! (Awwwwww! That is sooooo sweet!) So make her a card, do those stupid dishes, mow the lawn, cook her a meal. (ONLY if you can cook! We don’t need someones house burning down on Mothers Day…)

The point is, shower the mothers in your family with as much love you can give them; because they have done everything for you! It’s time to give a little, (OR a LOT) back to the mothers we love! Happy Mother’s Day! -The Young Llama Reader.

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