Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers out there! I hope you are surrounded by family, friends and maybe some books while we take time today to be thankful for what God has done.

Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday about seeing the good the year has brought us and being grateful for what we have. It is a holiday that started when 2 different cultures came together to celebrate the hope that their peace would bring. And it is a holiday that isn’t really focused on a lot.

In fact, some of you already know this, I don’t really like Thanksgiving. But not because I’m not grateful for what God has done! I simply don’t like turkey, cranberries and stuffing! 🙂 But that’s not the point is it? This is a holiday that I get to be surrounded by my family and friends and think about all God has done for me this year. And he has done a lot.

I am so thankful for my amazing family that loves and supports me! I am thankful for my church full of people who care about me and I am so thankful for my friends who love me no matter what! I am thankful for the life that God has given me and the love He gave me to share with others. And I am so very thankful for YOU! You all are amazing, and I am thankful and grateful that I get to help you all find new, clean books to read!!!

Thank you for being amazing! And thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read a few rambling reviews by this silly Llama. I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.

P.S. Here is something else I’m thankful for, all the amazing authors I know whose books are filled with love, hope and adventure! Here are some books I totally suggest for Thanksgiving simply because I am thankful to know the writers! Have a Blessed Day! -Llama Out!!!

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