Searching for You (Orphan Train book 3) by Jody Hedlund

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
2.9 Llamas


This book was such a sweet read, the romance was very cute and the plot line was very interesting. But I wouldn’t say this is one of my favorite books. (It’s ok, just not great)

This book is about Sophie, an 18 year-old-orphan trying to keep her little “family” together on the streets. When she runs into some trouble, her only hope is to take the two kids she has been watching over and board an orphan train headed out west. But when it seems like Sophie will be separated from her family, she begins to plot a way to keep them together. With the help of a old friend, Sophie might find what she has been searching for…

The book was well written, fun and sweet. I love Jody Hedlund’s books and totally suggest them. I will say she does bring up more adult topics in her novels, so I suggest her books to ladies 18 and up. There is mention of marriage expectations, being attacked, some violence, mention of “ladies of the night” and so on and so forth. Nothing is detailed or explained, but there are kisses and such described.

Overall, I will say this wasn’t my favorite novel of hers, it felt a little rushed. But it was ok. I think young ladies who enjoy a historical romance would like this book and enjoy the story. I hope you are all having a book-filled day!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.


  • A sweet romance in the wild, wild west.
  • A good read for ladies 18 and up!!!


  • Adult topics brought up…
  • Violence…

Despite years on the run, Sophie Neumann is determined to care for two young children. She won’t abandon them the way she thinks her older sisters abandoned her. But times are growing desperate, and when she falls in with the wrong crowd and witnesses a crime, she realizes fleeing 1850s New York is her only option.

Disappearing with her two young charges into a group of orphans heading west by train, Sophie hopes to find safety and a happy life. When the train stops in Illinois for the first placement of orphans, Sophie faces the most difficult choice of her life.

Reinhold Weiss has finally purchased his own small farm. With mounting debts, a harvest to bring in, and past scars that haunt him, he’s in no position to give his heart away . . . but can he say no when his long-lost friend shows up on a nearby train pleading for his help?

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