20220 Books I can not wait to Read!!!

Ok people, I am not a patient person. So when I here about a new book coming out I lose it just a little… And of course I am always looking for new year book releases to buy, read and love! So here we are!!!

First of all, I have to mention my all time favorite series new book that’s coming out THIS NOVEMBER!!!!!! Keeper of the Lost Cities book 9 Stellarlune!!!!!!! (AHHHHH!!!!!!!!) I am waaayyy to excited for this book! Shannon Messenger has really written an amazing series and I love it perhaps a “little” bit too much. But waiting 9 months for the 9th book may kill me a little… I don’t know how I am going to make it…

Second of all, Chuck Black is releasing book 4 of the Starlore Legacy: Oath this April! I am super excited about that as well. This series is a clean Christian, sci-fi made for boys! There is action, death, amazing technology and a sprinkle of romance perfect for teens. (However the cliffhangers at the ends of these books will make you a little bit mad) But this is a series that I am super happy for and now I need to finish book 3.

And last but certainly not least!!!!… C. D. Ross is coming out with a modern retelling of the Bible story Ruth in a 1950’s book that I am soooooo excited for!!!!!!! I have no due date for it, (which is killing me!!!! Usually I count the days down on my calendar but this one might just be a surprise!) but I am super excited for it and can already suggest it to you cause Ms. Ross is an a amazing author! (Hopefully when it comes out I will be able to rip it out of my big sister’s hands to read it! She is a little bit obsessed with C. D. Ross’s Bible books 🙂 )

Anyways, I hope you all have a great day, and I will “see” you all soon! -The Young Llama Reader.

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