Summer Llama Book List 2021!!!!!!!

Ahhh! Summer! The time for new reads, new favorites and new books!!!!! This is my Summer Llama Book List for 2021, and they are all oldies but goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I usually post new books, but I just felt like these books needed to be talked about again! I am always rereading these books and I decided these were going to be the stars of summer!!!!! So here they are just for you! Please read and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are all books I have reviewed and posted before; and they are all perfect for many different ages!

The Chosen: I have Called You by Name. This is a fantastic book for teens and adults! It is the book version of the TV show: The Chosen. (And I TOTALLY suggest the show as well as the book! 🙂 )

Parked. I fell in love with this book a few years ago, and still can’t get over it! This is such a clean, kid-friendly book for any kid 8 and up! And it is such a beautiful book about friendship as well. This book is just sooooooo good!

Edge of Extinction. What an amazing book! I love this 2 book series sooooooo much and totally suggest it to kids who are in love with any dino! There is some violence though, so be warned!

Keeper of the Lost Cities. I remember seeing these books for the first time and wondering if they were any good. And now it is my fav series of ALL TIME!!!! What an awesome book series for girls! Adventure, action, magic, romance and a whole lot of fun! 8 and up?

Prince of Alasia… or basically any book by Annie Douglass Lima! I support a ton of different authors, but non more than Annie!!!!! This amazing author wrote 11 Different books and I have read almost all of them!!!!! (I might by an eBook just so I can read the 11th!!!!) Some violence is mentioned depending on the series. 8 and up to I guess? (Boy books!!!)

Atlantis: The Accidental Invasion. Got this one recently and fell in love! I ADORE the idea of Atlantis, though it seems far-fetched, so this book sold itself to me just by the cover!!!!! Clean, awesome and fantastic! Not to mention very funny!!!!!

Blended. This was one of those books that really was written to  speak to the world. It is such a beautiful story of being caught in between 2 worlds of race but still being yourself! Totally suggest, but there is mention of racism.

The Perfect Blindside. LOVE! These books by Leslea Whal’s are soooooooo good!!!!! They are mysteries with a touch of romance and a whole lot of awesomeness!!!!! The Blindside series is all about snowboarding and is great for boys and girls!

The Map to Everywhere! Ok, now this is one of my all time, favorite series!!!!!!!!!!!! There are 4 books and I totally suggest them to kids, teens and anyone! This series is an magical adventure, filled with wizards, magical waters, crazy places, and a map that can lead you ANYWHERE!!!!!!

Read Something Else. My amazing friends the Hayes’ introduced me to Lemony Snicket! And I fell in LOVE! However, I didn’t just love his book series, I also fell in love with this book of sayings!!!!!!! This is such a good book filled with the most bizzare, goofy sayings I have ever read!!!!! A must buy!


Well, there you have it folks! My must read for this summer!!!! And… Yes, I am well aware I did not finish my Summer Book list for 2020. But it was 2020. Did anyone finish anything?!? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this new list and have an fantastic summer!!!!!!!!!! -The Young Llama Reader.


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