The ReReading Llama!!!!!!

So, I have not posted any new books in a while due to the fact that I am rereading some old favorites. I LOVE to reread! Going back to any oldie but a goodie is soooooooooo enjoyable!!! (And I reread a LOT. There are soooo many books that I just adore, and I can’t let my books sit on my shelf collecting dust!)

Some of the books I have been rereading lately are…

  1. Restart by Gordon Korman. This book is one of my FAVS!!!! It is soo good, and I now have my own copy for my bookshelf!
  2. The Map to Everywhere. Oh My Piecrust! I love this series sooooo MUCH! It is one of the best magical adventure series I have EVER read!!!! The action, the magic, the AWESOMENESS!!!!! A must read.
  3. Ok, I’m not technically “re”reading this series. But I am starting to read the entire Alex Rider books! And I am only halfway through the series!!!
  4. And a random book I’m not rereading right now, but YOU SHOULD read. The Wingfeather Saga! Just gonna leave that out there, it’s a great Christian book and sooooooo worth reading!

So, if I don’t post anything for awhile, it’s because I am reading a whole new pile of books!!!!! Have a fantastic day! -The Young Llama Reader.

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