Happy New Year!!!!

It’s 2020!!!!! And WOW… it feels like it’s still 2019. Huh… I thought I would feel older or excited, but I just feel happy that it will be easier to write 2020 than 2019. (Anyone here have handwriting sooo bad that people can’t read your 9’s?)

I am sooooooo excited for the new year!!!! First of all, let’s be honest… WE ARE ALL EXCITED ABOUT NEW BOOKS!!!!! (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 9 is only like 10 months away!!!!!!… I hate waiting for books… 🙁 ) And, I am also excited about the ‘changes’ my dad and I are going to do for YoungLlama!

I am going to be putting up an Llama Art Page soon to show you all the art I do for my favorite books! (There is a lot… I REALLY like to draw, both digitally and on paper.) And I am going to see if we can make t-shirts!!!!!! I REALLY want a YoungLlama.com t-shirt!!!!!!! (Though I will have to make a design that both girls and boys will like… And order them!!!!! Hmmmm… That might be a later in 2020 thing; like maybe in the Summer.)

Anyways, I am now off break and will be posting book reviews again! (I got quite a few books for Christmas… I’m gonna be busy for awhile…) I hope you all have a great New Year!!!!! Merry Day’s After Christmas, Happy Rest of the Year! -The Young Llama Reader.

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