Squint by Chad Morris and Shelly Brown

Young Llama Thoughts
  • Adventurous
  • Christian Friendly
  • Easy Reading
  • Humerous
  • Youth Appropriate
4.3 Llamas


Oh my fairy-god-mother… THIS BOOK IS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! LIKE REALLY GOOD!!! LIKE REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!!!!!! This book is soooooo good and totally youth appropriate. Did I mention it is good?

The book is themed around Flint, also known as Squint, a young boy going to middle school. He is a comic book artist (or he’s trying to be), but he has a disease called Keratoconus that cause his eyes to swell and he eventually may go blind (sad right?).

The book is really good, but he does have to have surgery on his eye (which is gross), though it’s not too detailed, don’t worry. It’s just like one chapter of gross stuff and not too detailed.

This is a really good book, that’s funny, sad, and… JUST PLAIN AWESOME. I cried about four-ish times throughout the book, but not depressing, just sad-happy (It’s a word) crying…

Over all, THIS IS AN AMAZING-TOTALLY-AWESOME-READ-IT-RIGHT-NOW… book. I HIGHLY suggest this book to kids, youths, and adults. This is a great book for everyone, PLEASE read it.


  • A great book for kids and teens
  • Funny and heart-warming



My name is Flint, but everyone in middle school calls me Squint because I’m losing my vision. I used to play football, but not anymore. I haven’t had a friend in a long time. Thankfully, real friends can see the real you, even when you can’t clearly see.

Flint loves to draw. In fact, he’s furiously trying to finish his comic book so he can be the youngest winner of the Find a Comic Star contest. He s also rushing to finish because he has Keratoconus an eye disease that could eventually make him blind.

McKell is the new girl at school and immediately hangs with the popular kids. Except McKell’s not a fan of the way her friends treat this boy named Squint. He seems nice and really talented. He draws awesome pictures of superheroes. McKell wants to get to know him, but is it worth the risk? What if her friends catch her hanging with the kid who squints all the time?

McKell has a hidden talent of her own but doesn’t share it for fear of being judged. Her terminally ill brother, Danny, challenges McKell to share her love of poetry and songwriting. Flint seems like someone she could trust. Someone who would never laugh at her. Someone who is as good and brave as the superhero in Flint’s comic book named Squint.

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